Our proHTMS™ solution Highway Traffic Management System (HTMS) let the roadside installed devices (ATCC, VMS, CCTV, MET, ECB etc) connected to Central software that lets you Monitor (Realtime) the Devices across the highway stretch. Thus providing efficient services to highway users/commuters. HTMS capture data from highway road installed devices to ensure proper traffic management and thus reduces downtime of any devices. Highway Traffic data is captured, stored and analysed from the Central traffic control Room software via PC/ Web page or using Mobile App
HTMS Products
Know More
- ATMS - Advanced Traffic Management system( HTMS – Highway Traffic Management System)
- Web based - HTML5 Technology or APP for mobile devices (Android, Windows or iOS)
- Real Time Data from highway installed devices
- MET - MeteorologicalStation
- ATCC - Advanced Traffic CountingClassifying
- ECB - Emergency CallBox
- CCTV Close Circuit TV
- IP Camera - Direct IP Camera Interface. One can monitor and control the IP Camera from anywhere in LAN/WAN by using web client options
- VMS - Variable MessageSign
- VIDS – Video Incident Detection system
- Realtime data on - Road condition, traffic situations, incidents and weather conditions on the highway
- proHTMScan be deployed both in computer and/or Web Client - HTML5 Technology or APP for mobile devices (Android, Windows or iOS)
- Multilingual (Indian language or International)
- Audit trial - FDA CFR21 Part 11
- Support OPC UA / DA / AE / HDA
- IoT / IIoT – MQTT Protocol support
- SMS and email Alert
- Complex and redundant, client/server architecture
- All Major Communication Protocol like Modbus, SNMP etc. & proprietary devices over Serial / TCP (Winsock) communication or OPC
- Security – Access Level Control across HTMS Software. Instant Alerts / Notification (SMS / Email)